Descubre nuestra tabla, verás que cada fila está compuesta por una imagen, una palabra en inglés, su traducción al español y su pronunciación.

Palabras con d en inglés para el nivel b1

Cada fila de la tabla está organizada de la siguiente manera:

  1. Palabra en inglés: La palabra escrita en inglés británico.
  2. Traducción en español: La traducción de la palabra al español.
  3. Significado: El significado de la palabra.
  4. Pronunciación en inglés: La pronunciación de la palabra en inglés británico.

A continuación, se presenta la tabla:

🇬🇧 Palabra en inglés 🇪🇸 Palabra en español Significado Pronunciación
ugly feo Not pleasant to look at or unattractive.
umbrella paraguas Protector de la lluvia
unable incapaz Unable to do something or perform a task.
unbelievable increíble Something so amazing, it's hard to think it's true.
uncle tío Your mom or dad's brother is called an uncle.
uncomfortable incómodo Feeling uneasy or not at ease with a situation or place.
under bajo "Under" means being in a lower place or position.
underground subterráneo "Underground" means beneath the surface of the earth.
underline subrayado A line drawn under a word or sentence to emphasize it.
underneath debajo de Located or positioned directly below something else.
underpants calzoncillos Underpants are close-fitting underwear worn below the waist.
understand comprender To grasp the meaning, significance, or importance of something.
underwear ropa interior Clothes you wear under your regular clothes, like panties or boxers.
undress desnúdese To take off one's clothes or garments.
unemployed desempleado Not having a job or work.
unemployment desempleo Unemployment means not having a job to earn money.
unexpected inesperado Something surprising that you did not see coming.
unfair injusto When something is not right or just.
unfit no apto Unfit means not suitable or not healthy.
unforgettable inolvidable Something so special or unique you can't forget it.
unfortunately desafortunadamente "Unfortunately" means something sad or bad happened unexpectedly.
unfriendly antipático Not being nice or kind to others.
unhappy infeliz Feeling sad or not satisfied.
unhealthy poco saludable Unhealthy means not good for your body or mind.
uniform uniforme Uniform: Same clothing worn by members of a group or team.
unimportant importancia Not significant or worth paying attention to.
uninterested desinteresado Not caring about or showing interest in something.
uninteresting poco interesante Something that is not exciting or fun to pay attention to.
union unión A union is a group of people working together for common goals.
unit unidad A unit can be a single thing, person, or group.
universe universo Everything that exists including stars, planets, and space.
university universidad A university is a place where people go for higher education.
unkind poco amable unkind means "not friendly or helpful; cruel."
unknown desconocido "Unknown" means not known, familiar, or identified.
unless a menos que Unless means "except if" or "only if something else happens".
unlikely improbable Unlikely means not expected to happen or be true.
unlucky mala suerte Experiencing or marked by bad events; not fortunate.
unnecessary innecesario Not needed or more than is required.
unpack desempaquetar "Unpack" means to remove things from a suitcase, box, or container.
unpleasant desagradable Something that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable.
untidy desordenado Not clean or neatly organized; messy.
until hasta "Until" means "up to the point or time mentioned."
unusual inusual "Unusual" means not normal, different, or not common.
unwell malestar Feeling sick, not in good health or condition.
up arriba "Up" means moving to a higher place or position.
up to hasta The word "up to" generally means "as far as" or "as many as".
up to date actualizado/ada incorporating the latest developments and trends
update actualizar "Update" means to give or receive new, current information.
upload cargar To transfer files from one computer to another.
upon en "Upon" means directly above or on top of something.
upper superior "Upper" refers to the higher position or location about something.
upset disgustado Feeling sad, disappointed, or angry about something.
upstairs arriba "Upstairs" means going or located towards a higher floor in a building.
urgent urgente requiring immediate action or attention.
urgently urgentemente Library: A building filled with books to read or borrow.
us nosotros "Us" refers to the speaker and at least one other person.
use utilice take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing or achieving something
useful útil "Useful" means helpful or beneficial in achieving something.
user usuario a person who uses or operates something
usual habitual "Usual" means what normally or typically happens.
usually normalmente "Usually" means something typically or normally happens.